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  04 May 2024

CyberSecurity, Business, Risk

How are you Protected from the Cyber Criminal?

Yep, I get it. You’re a smart person, successfully running your business. Unfortunately I’ve spoken to plenty of people just like you. This is what the criminal is looking for, and they need to do it once.

Written by Bill Rue, Published on: 30 April 2020

Written by Bill Rue
Published on: 30 April 2020

Yep, I get it. You’re a smart person, successfully running your business. Unfortunately I’ve spoken to plenty of people just like you. This is what the criminal is looking for, and they only need to do it once.

Why are they targeting you?

Why not? For many criminals it is a numbers game, how many can they get to before that exploit is found and stopped. I have seen the corner store, the tradie, the housewares store owner, the high end builder right through to large enterprises targeted with the same exploit. Your money is good to them however they get it. Effective attacks range from netting hundreds of dollars to millions, quite literally putting people out of business in the process.

Why this way?

White collar crime doesn’t attract the death penalty, or a public caning. They can do it from the comfort of their chair, wherever they are. Some exploits are now being sold for dollars and cents and even come with their own criminal IT support plans. This is a business, nothing personal - right?

If it’s a numbers game, I’ll take the odds.

How quickly can you go broke? How much would it take to put you out of business? I’m no longer surprised at how small these numbers can be, and that’s regardless of the size of the organisation I’m talking to. The numbers are there, but like any good insurer or someone who studies the track - why wouldn’t you reduce the odds in your favour?

↳ Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

Practical Cyber — what we offer

To help people protect themselves and their livelihoods from criminals and mishaps through misunderstanding technology. After working in Cyber for many years, I am aware that the activity is increasing and becoming more sophisticated. After seeing the impact this can have, not only professionally but also personally for the people involved, we wanted to work on some simple yet practical steps that could be put in place to reduce the risk factors.

Unfortunately it was obvious through this experience that “normal” people aren’t aware of what is needed and how to set these required steps up. Education on its own is not enough, the practical steps to reduce the risk isn’t being put in place effectively, or criminal activity would be reduced. billrue.com is about practical cyber, avoiding the mainstream “consulting for revenue” and looking at helping people succeed at the scale they need.

How do we start?

Book a session. This will be a conversation to uncover and understand the level you are at today, and what practical steps could be done immediately to reduce your risk. Where practical leave these in place by the end of the session. If there are some more technical elements that can help but need more time, we can work with your existing IT team in putting these in place, or if you need some direct help, we can work with you on a plan to put this in place.